Category CPL 2

Satoshi to leave the Cambodian Premier League

As reported by us yesterday Satoahi Saito the CEO of the Cambodian Premier League is to leave his position as head of the organization following complaints from both clubs and the FFC about alleged financial mismanagement. You can read our…

Why CPL 2 Should Not Be Scrapped

After just one season of CPL 2 the league are considering dropping the second tier competition and consolidating into one division. Why though might this be happening and is it good for is it good for Khmer Football. The origins…

Is there a CPL 2 Crisis?

With BMC now fully dropped out of the next season and only four CPL 2 clubs taking part in the 2023 Cambodian League Cup, does this mean there is a CPL 2 crisis related to cash? To read about the…