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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
According to a statement released on the official Cambodia 2023 Facebook page around 50 percent of broadcasting rights for the 2023 SEA Games and Para Games have been sold, despite the recent controversy with Thailand.
To read about the spat with Thailand over the SEA Games broadcasting click here.
The argument has arose after Cambodia significantly increased the price for broadcasting the games from the “token” amount of $10,000 dollars charged by Vietnam at the last games, to around $880,000. The Thai’s have not only protested the increase in price, but have also officially asked for negotiations and, or support from the Thai government in order for the 2023 game to be shown for free within the country.
From the Cambodian side Secretary General of the Cambodia SEA Games Organizing Committee (CAMSOC), General Vath Chomroeun has stated that not only were the games priced at “market value”, but that negotiations were ongoing.
It seems that Thailand are the main ones complaining about the price hike, despite the games being seen as of “national importance” to the country. As previously reported by CSR and BPVE countries such as Vietnam have already agreed deals, namely through local network VTCab, who were the first broadcaster to agree rights.
You can read about that deal here.
The announcement came at a press conference held by the Cambodia SEA Games Organising Committee (CAMSOC) at the Sokha Hotel in Phnom Penh, where His Excellency Vath Chomroeun announced that 50 percent of the broadcasting rights had now been sold inclusive of national broadcasters from Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore, or five of the ten “big countries” adding that smaller nations, such as Timor-Leste were not expected to pay for broadcasting rights.
He further added that not only were negations ongoing, but that deals were expected to be reached with the other participating nations.
Aside from the 5 national broadcasters it was further announced that deals had been struck with over 100 national and international media outlets to cover the games, the first such to ever be held within Cambodia.
Cambodia Sports Television (CSTV) is slated to be the main domestic broadcaster of the 2023 SEA Games, although other networks will also be given permission to broadcast the games.